Kodak MC-30 All-in-One Mini Cartridge 30 Sheets
Product reference: 5-MC-30
Kodak MC-30 All-in-One Mini Cartridge 30 Sheets

Kodak MC-30 All-in-One Mini Cartridge 30 Sheets

Product reference: 5-MC-30
Kodak MC-30 All-in-One Mini Cartridge 30 Sheets
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 An all-in-one cartridge for fun printing! As an accessory for Kodak's modern Mini 2 and Mini Shot photo print, the mini cartridge MC printing technology delivers professional quality in a small but powerful package.
The innovative 4PASS D2T2 transfer process gradually divides the colours into layers of yellow, magenta and cyan tones, creating an incredibly shiny effect. Ideal for colour portraits, landscape photos, stickers and much more.
This fast and efficient cartridge is also known for its smear-free design. Choose between 20, 30 or 50 photos, insert the cartridge and watch your photos come to life with accurate lines, colours and structure.
The fading protective layer is moisture resistant, so you can enjoy your work for many years to come. Real ink. Immediately.
The Kodak Mini 2 printer relies on the patented 4Pass printing technology, also known as thermotransfer printing, which ensures beautiful, high-quality photos.
It is equipped with the smallest 4Pass all-in-one cartridge in the world, for comfortable carrying and unparalleled quality.
You will receive: 1 photo print mini cartridge from Kodak. A capacity of 20, 30 or 50 photos depending on your choice black and white, colour and paper, all in a thermotransfer process for exceptionally clear images of the highest quality.
Specifications and model numbers:
MC-20, MC-30, MC-50 All-in-One black and white and colour. Integrated photo paper moisture resistant to fingerprints. Fades up to 10 years.
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