programming cable Motorola radio stations. Product codePMKN4115the DP2400E, DP2600E, DP3441E, DP3661E, DP2400, DP2600, DP3441 Radio Stations.
cock cable HDF 240. Central vein copper 1.4mm, armor pint + aluminum foil, external diameter 6mm.mhzKabelis db/100m304,4,4507,5150_1 002_9,9.92201 2,845017.390024,81500_ 1002_32,41800_100 7_35,6200037.7250042,4
COAKSIAL cable RG-213U. Central Copper Copper Multi -Subdivist, Armor - Pint.
NMEA 2000 tinkle pridėkite komponentų, prijungdami T formos jungtį prie mūsų magistralinio kabelio. Atnaujinta šios T formos jungties versija skiriasi nuo ankstesnės tuo, kad turi 45 laipsnių posvyrį. Gamintojo kodas: 010-12935-10
Garmin NMEA 2000 magistralinis kabelis, ilgis 0.3 metro. Garmintojo kodas: 010-11089-01
Garmin NMEA 2000 magistralinis kabelis, ilgis 2 metrai. Garmintojo kodas: 010-12935-21
cock cable HDF 200. Central Central Copier 0.95mm, Armor Pinned + Aluminum Folia, External Diameter 5.0mm.MHZKabelis db/100m_305,8507,5150_1 008_13,022015,8_1002 _45022,8 90032,51500_150042,3_10_180046,5_1008 __101005_200049,1_1007 _250055,4,4_10111__11__14__14_
maximal power: 25-60 W; 15AEturn: 12VILGIS: 3 mHKN4137A compatible with motorola car radio stations (GM300, DM1400 and so on)
Programming cable (USB) for radio stops Wouxun.In the help can be transferred from a computer via USB connector all programmed data from a computer to radio station, and back._
The Cable of Arts Rewrite Cable Wouxun for radio stops. It can transfer all programmable data from one radio station to another.
cock cable HDF 400.analog - S400; CDF400; LMR400centric veins - aluminum covered with copper, armor pint copper, above aluminum foil.nomal whale impedance (impedance) 50 omelectric shortening. 85%Palplum 78.4 PF/Mcentrun Volume Diameter 2.77mmSarvo Diameter 8.13mmThis Cable (Insulation) Diameter...
COAKSIAL cable RG-58U. Central vein copper multi -meal, armor - pint.MHZKabel inhibition db/100m308,25010,21_1 5020,3220_ 1001_24,345034,6 90055,1_1 001_1500_1001 _-_ 1002_18002000_1001 _-_ 1002_2500_1001 _-_ 1002_
cock cable HDF 110. Central vein copper, armor pint with aluminum foil.mhz db/100m_10_3013,6_10110__1 005_5016,9_1010055_150_1010101. 08_31,1_101005_22036,1_1 008__101005_45056,9_10101005__1007 _90084,4,4_101005_1500_100 7_114,6_101005_1800121,0_101010_ 2000134,12500_10 02__1007 _-_...