Wireless earphones TWS Foneng BL118 (yellow)
Product reference: 045495

Wireless earphones TWS Foneng BL118 (yellow)

Product reference: 045495
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TWS Foneng BL118 wireless headphones (yellow)

Looking for gear to complete your gaming zone? The Foneng wireless headphones will be perfect for you! They provide low latency and the Bluetooth 5.3 connection guarantees a stable connection without interference. What's more, they will work continuously for up to 7 hours!


Headphones for gamers

The Foneng BL118 headphones will be perfect for any gaming fan. They guarantee low latency and the large battery will keep them running for up to 7 hours. This makes sure you won't miss any more important gameplay! What's more, their unique design will perfectly complement your gaming zone.


Wireless connection

What sets the BL118 headphones apart is the stable Bluetooth 5.3 wireless connection. You can now forget about constant interference and interruptions in playback. What's more, you can recharge them seamlessly in just 1 hour, so you don't have to be away from the game for long.

Producer Foneng
Model BL118
Bluetooth 5.3
Playback time up to 7 hours
Earphone battery 3.7 V / 40 mAh
Case battery 3.7 V / 320 mAh
Earphone charging time 1 hour
Charging time for case 21 hours
Charging port Type C
Colour Yellow
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