White Shark SCOUT-BS GBP-006 15.6
Product reference: 5-SCOUT-BS
White Shark SCOUT-BS GBP-006 15.6

White Shark SCOUT-BS GBP-006 15.6

Product reference: 5-SCOUT-BS
White Shark SCOUT-BS GBP-006 15.6
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Cool backpack with a large White Shark logo on the front.
The backpack has one compartment with a compartment for a 15.6 "laptop and another smaller compartment for other smaller items, while there are compartments for a bottle or umbrella on the sides.
It is made of 600D polyester which is waterproof.
for laptops up to: 15.6 "
material: 600D polyester
dimensions: 310 x 430 x 100 mm
number of compartments: 2 + laptop compartment
color: black-silver
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