White Shark GM-5013 Azrael Pink
Product reference: 5-AZRAEL-P
White Shark GM-5013 Azrael Pink

White Shark GM-5013 Azrael Pink

Product reference: 5-AZRAEL-P
White Shark GM-5013 Azrael Pink
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12 month

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 Type: 6D - 6 Buttons
Chipset: Instant 825
Lifetime: 10 M presses - HUANO
Acceleration: 20 G
Software: Yes
Sensor type: Optical
Resolution (DPI): 7200 (12800 SW)
Polling rate (Hz): 1000
Illumination: RGB 16.8 M colors
Interface: USB 2.0
Braided cable: Yes
Mouse compatibility: Windows 7/8/10/11/MacOS
Bottom pads: UPE
Material: Plastic
Surface finish: Matte
Dimensions (mm): 123x64x43
Weight (g): 86
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