V.Silencer Ture Wireless Earbuds white
Product reference: 5-9997790756556
V.Silencer Ture Wireless Earbuds white

V.Silencer Ture Wireless Earbuds white

Product reference: 5-9997790756556
V.Silencer Ture Wireless Earbuds white
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12 month

Delivery in 
4 - 8
business days

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 Bluetooth version: V5.0
Frequency response: 20Hz - 20 KHz
Impedance (Ohm): 32.0
Reception distance: up to 10 meters
Built-in rechargeable battery: 55mAh
(Charging box: 300mAH)
Music listening / talk time: up to 4 hours
Features: Bluetooth, call making, responsive microphone, easy to charge via USB port
Color: White
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