VSC IPT2VDs4F28 IP video camera 2MP, 2.8mm, IR30, Object Classification, AI
Product reference: VSC-IPT2VDS4F28

VSC IPT2VDs4F28 IP video camera 2MP, 2.8mm, IR30, Object Classification, AI

Product reference: VSC-IPT2VDS4F28
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36 month

Delivery in 
3 - 5
business days

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H.265+ /H.265 / H.264+/ H.264/ MJPEG coding
Max.resolution: 2MP ( 1920 × 1080)
ICR auto switch, true day / night vision
3D DNR, WDR, HLC, BLC, smart IR, etc.
20~30m IR night view distance
Built-in micro SD card slot, up to 256GB
1CH built-in MIC; 1CH audio input
PoE power supply (optional)
IP 67 ingress protection
Support dual streams
Support remote monitoring by smart phones& tablet PCs with iOS and Android OS
Intelligent analytics ( object classification)
Junction Box: VSB IPT12

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