UPS, EATON, 700 Watts, 1000 VA, Wave form type Pure sinewave, LineInteractive, Rack 2U, 5SC1000IR
Product reference: 2-743172088321
700 Watts, 1000 VA, Wave form type Pure sinewave, Topology LineInteractive, Input ports Single, IEC320 C14 (10AMP), Output power connector type IEC 320 C13, 1xRS232, 1xUSB, Rack 2U, Colour Black

UPS, EATON, 700 Watts, 1000 VA, Wave form type Pure sinewave, LineInteractive, Rack 2U, 5SC1000IR

Product reference: 2-743172088321
700 Watts, 1000 VA, Wave form type Pure sinewave, Topology LineInteractive, Input ports Single, IEC320 C14 (10AMP), Output power connector type IEC 320 C13, 1xRS232, 1xUSB, Rack 2U, Colour Black
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Eaton 5SC 1000 VA Rack 2U
The Eaton 5SC UPS provides line-interactive, affordable and reliable protection for small business server in any kind of installation constraints. Complementing our range of industry leading UPSs, the 5SC includes an LCD interface for real-time status and measurements, implements manageability solutions compatible with most of IT platforms and provides sinewave output for compatibility with most sensitive IT equipments.
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