Thermal labels Niimbot stickers T 14x40mm 160 psc (Bubble)
Product reference: 055424

Thermal labels Niimbot stickers T 14x40mm 160 psc (Bubble)

Product reference: 055424
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Thermal labels Niimbot stickers T 14x40mm 160 psc (Bubble)

The set includes a roll that allows you to print 160 14x40mm labels in white. It is designed for Niimbot D series/H1S thermal printers. It will find its use when printing prices, expiration dates, emoticons, serial number, etc.

Manufacturer Niimbot
Model T14*40-160BUBBLE B
Color Multicolor
Paper type Labels 14x40 mm
Fits Niimbot printers D series/H1S
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