Thermal labels Niimbot stickers 12x40 mm, 160 pcs (Claw)
Product reference: 054826

Thermal labels Niimbot stickers 12x40 mm, 160 pcs (Claw)

Product reference: 054826
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Niimbot thermal labels stickers 12x40 mm, 160 pcs (Claw)

The set includes a roll that allows you to print 160 pieces of 12 x 40 mm labels. It is dedicated to Niimbot D-series and H1S thermal printers. It will be useful for printing prices, expiration dates, QR and EAN code, emoticons, serial number, table and much more. Animal claw sticker design makes the labels look even more interesting.


Resistant to wear and tear

The labels were created from high-quality paper. They are resistant to high and low temperatures. They are durable, do not wear out and perform their function for a long time. You will successfully use them on containers with boiling water or containers with frozen food. Label without limits.

Manufacturer Niimbot
Model T12*40-160CLAW
Color multicolored
Sticker size 12 x 40 mm
Number of printed labels 160
Fits to Niimbot D series and H1S
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