TELTONIKA Waterproof GPRS/ GNSS TRACKER with CAN data reading feature
Product reference: 364862882126
Classifies the degree of protection against solid objects and water (IP67) | CAN data reading from light vehicles, buses, coaches, trucks, agriculture and special transport | Bluetooth for external devices and Low Energy sensors | Real fuel consumption and level, full mileage, engine temperature and more | Configurable DIN/AIN/NIN for flexible remote monitoring and control

TELTONIKA Waterproof GPRS/ GNSS TRACKER with CAN data reading feature

Product reference: 364862882126
Classifies the degree of protection against solid objects and water (IP67) | CAN data reading from light vehicles, buses, coaches, trucks, agriculture and special transport | Bluetooth for external devices and Low Energy sensors | Real fuel consumption and level, full mileage, engine temperature and more | Configurable DIN/AIN/NIN for flexible remote monitoring and control
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12/24 month

Delivery in 
2 - 3
business days

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