Tellur In-Ear Headset Magiq, Carrying Pouch blue
Product reference: 5-TLL162222
Tellur In-Ear Headset Magiq, Carrying Pouch blue

Tellur In-Ear Headset Magiq, Carrying Pouch blue

Product reference: 5-TLL162222
Tellur In-Ear Headset Magiq, Carrying Pouch blue
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12 month

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 Enjoy the sound of magic with our brand new Magiq in-ear headphones!
They are comfortable, lightweight and offer easy control over your music and hands-free calls thanks to the in-line buttons.
Microphone  :  Yes
Technology  :  In-ear, wired
Connection  :  Jack 3.5 mm
Impedance  :  16 ohm
Frequency  :  20Hz - 20KHz
Sensitivity  :  105db +/- 5db
Cable length  :  1.2 m
Product weight  :  20 g
Package dimensions  :  72 x 30 x 150mm
Package weight  :  50 g

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