Tamron 11-20mm F/ 2.8 Di III-A RXD (FUJIFILM X) (B060)
Product reference: 4960371006857

Tamron 11-20mm F/ 2.8 Di III-A RXD (FUJIFILM X) (B060)

Product reference: 4960371006857
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Tamron 11-20mm F/2.8 Di III-A RXD (FUJIFILM X) (B060)

Moisture Resistant Construction – the lens housing is resistant to dust and splashes. All critical areas have special seals. Lenses with this feature are ideal for outdoor use in bad weather or dirty environments.

Internal Focus - Internal focus prevents the barrel from extending and rotating while focusing. The lens is easier to control and is suitable for use with polarizing or gradation filters.

Broad Band Anti-Reflection - BBAR multi-layer coating ensures excellent images and natural colors. It reduces reflections of light rays entering the surface of the lens. The more advanced BBAR G2 coating is used from 2019.

Fluorine Coating - Fluorine coating protects the front lens from contamination. It prevents oil and water droplets from sticking to the surface. Removes fingerprints and dirt more easily.

Low Dispersion - LD elements are characterized by extremely low color dispersion indicators. They reduce chromatic aberrations, which appear as color bands at the edges of contrast, and reduce image sharpness.

Extra-Low Dispersion – XLD elements feature extremely low color dispersion indicators. They reduce chromatic aberrations, which appear as color bands at the edges of contrast, and reduce image sharpness.

Rapid Extra-Silent Drive - The RXD's autofocus is very quick to respond, making it ideal for shooting and filming moving subjects. The sensor continuously detects the current focus setting, so continuous autofocus (AF-C) pinpoints the right angle of rotation to focus at lightning speed.

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