Subsonic Superdrive SV 850 Pro Sport
Product reference: 5-SA5595-NG
Subsonic Superdrive SV 850 Pro Sport

Subsonic Superdrive SV 850 Pro Sport

Product reference: 5-SA5595-NG
Subsonic Superdrive SV 850 Pro Sport
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A radical steering wheel with a sporty, sleek design that provides an ultra-realistic, tenfold driving experience.
• Rotation angle: 270 degrees
• Wheel diameter: 28 cm
• Steering wheel with pedal and paddles
• Double vibration motor, 3 levels of sensitivity
• Dual material finish for steering wheel grip
Technical data
Rotation angle: 270 degrees
Wheel diameter: 28 cm
Grip finish: Yes
Gear shift paddles: Yes
Gear lever: No
Pedals included: Yes
Number of pedals: 2 : gas pedal + brake
Pedals type: Medium
Vibration: Yes
Headphone compatible: Yes
Attachment: Suction cups and clamping screws
Cockpit compatibility: Yes
OS compatibility: PS4, XBOX ONE, XBOX Series X/S, PC, SWITCH
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