Speaker, LOGITECH, Z533, 980-001054
Product reference: 2-5099206058675
Z533, System profile 2.1, Headphones jack

Speaker, LOGITECH, Z533, 980-001054

Product reference: 2-5099206058675
Z533, System profile 2.1, Headphones jack
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This 120 Watts Peak/60 Watts RMS powerful 2.1 speaker system delivers dynamic bass from its front-facing subwoofer. Connect up to three compatible devices via 3.5mm and RCA inputs. Access all controls from one integrated control pod. 120 Watts Peak/60 Watts RMS power delivers powerful yet balanced acoustics. Full range drivers are designed to move sound throughout the entire room. Enjoy a powerful, room-filling audio experience. Experience rich, dynamic bass with a front-facing subwoofer that brings your videos, games and music to life. Enjoy booming bass you can hear and feel. Supports multiple inputs simultaneously. Connect up to three compatible devices such as your television, computer and mobile device via the 3.5mm and RCA inputs. There is no need to disconnect when switching between audio sources. Easily access all controls from one integrated control pod, including power, volume, bass level, headphone jack and auxiliary jack.
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