SONOFF SV Low Voltage Smart Wi-Fi Switch
Product reference: 6920075775846

SONOFF SV Low Voltage Smart Wi-Fi Switch

Product reference: 6920075775846
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SONOFF SV smart safe voltage relay module, Wi-Fi

SONOFF smart home system allows you to control your electrical appliances remotely with the EWeLink app or by voice with Amazon Alexa or Google Home. It allows you to create different scenarios, group appliances by switching on/off multiple devices with a single touch, set timers and schedules, monitor the status of your devices in real time, and share their control. Link your eWeLink with IFTTT application and extend your scene capabilities. Thanks to configurable local LAN support Sonoff smart home system can work without a cloud server.

SONOFF low-voltage smart relay controlled by Wi-Fi. The product enables remote control of home appliances through the mobile application eWeLink, available on both Android and iOS.
With dry contact output.
Designed for advanced users building a smart home system. The cloud server of Sonoff SV is Amazon AWS global server, so you can control remotedly from anywhere.
The relay can be set to 8 different timing tasks which automatically activate the relay only at certain schedules.
The device also works with Amazon Echo, Google Home and IFTTT smart systems.
The relay signal is transmitted via the Wi-Fi network 2.4GHz. 5G network is not supported. LAN mode is supported.
The switch supports all the functions of the Sonoff smart home system: timer, smart scene, device grouping, sync status, share, sunrise/sunset routine, etc.
Ultra-low power consumption.
This module can be combined with various other products to complement smart home scenarios.

Voltage: 5V-24V DC.
Current: max. 10A.
Wi-Fi frequency: 2.4 GHz.
Number of channels: 1.
Works with Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant, Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Nest.
App: eWeLink (Android, IOS).
Dimensions: 65x34x12 mm.
Operating temperature: 0°C~+40°C.
Operating humidity: 40%-80%.
Weight: 15g.

Warranty: 24 months.

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