Sigma 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary | Sony E-mount
Product reference: 085126404659

Sigma 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary | Sony E-mount

Product reference: 085126404659
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Sigma 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary | Sony E-mount

SIGMA I Series introduces compact, beautifully designed, high performance optics for mirrorless camera systems. In its first collection, SIGMA introduces a 24mm wide-angle prime lens to its modern lens lineup that offers great portability and versatility.
Brand New 24mm F3.5 DGDN | Contemporary offers a very compact design similar to the 45mm F2.8 DG DN | Modern. Despite its small size, there's no compromise on performance – it can capture the finest details when you need it with high-resolution full-frame cameras.
With a very short minimum focus distance of around 10cm and a maximum reproduction ratio of 1:2, photographers can shoot more freely without worrying about the distance between the lens and the subject.
The robust and stylish finish of the I-series lens body adds to the satisfaction of shooting. 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary is a versatile choice that will become an extension of your creative vision.

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