Severin SM 3775
Product reference: 5-3775-000
Severin SM 3775

Severin SM 3775

Product reference: 5-3775-000
Severin SM 3775
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Up to 30 soups wirelessly on a full charge and up to 5 soups on a single quick charge (15 minutes), thanks to a powerful lithium-ion battery with 2,000 mAh.
Ergonomic stainless steel design with removable stainless steel stirring rod, for easy cleaning and comfortable working.
Extensive premium accessories:
Multi-shredder (0.5l capacity): Ideal for chopping herbs, onions, meat, cheese, almonds / nuts and much more.
Blender with lid (0.7l capacity): Perfect for individual mixing operations and for serving.
Potato masher for delicious mashed potatoes.
Whisk for the preparation of whipped cream, egg whites and much more.
Charging power supply
100% BPA-free for safe enjoyment.
Technical data
Color / Material: Black / brushed stainless steel
Speed: 14,000 rpm
Mixing container capacity: 700 ml
Battery: 2,000 mAh Li-Ion
Runtime: up to 40 minutes
Power: 100 W
Dimension6 × 40 × 6 cm
Weight: 0.513 kg

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