Severin SM 3735
Product reference: 5-3735000
Severin SM 3735

Severin SM 3735

Product reference: 5-3735000
Severin SM 3735
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- blender and drink holder – all in one
- 2 detacheable and dishwasher-safe drink holder made of Tritan (Bisphenol-A free), incl. covers
- 1 speed-setting
- easy-to-clean
- stainless steel blade
- safety cut-out
- non-slip feet
- ideal for travelling, in the office and for sporting events
Bowl capacity: 0.6 L
Number of speeds: 1
Removable bowl: Y
Colour of product: Green,White
Type: Tabletop blender
Dishwasher-proof parts: Y
Easy to clean: Y
Non-slip feet: Y
Blending bowl material: Plastic
Blade material: Stainless steel
Power: 300 W
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