Severin MW 7763
Product reference: 5-MW 7763
Severin MW 7763

Severin MW 7763

Product reference: 5-MW 7763
Severin MW 7763
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 MW 7763 2-in-1 Microwave with ceramic bottom and grill
· Innovative, flat ceramic bottom with microwave reflector. For even heat distribution and perfectly cooked food, completely without a turntable.
· Due to 20% larger usable capacity* also suitable for large dishes. Perfectly suitable for square casseroles and large plates. (*compared to conventional microwaves with rotary plate (e.g. MW 7756))
· Effortless and absolutely uncomplicated cleaning. The flat ceramic bottom can be easily cleaned with a cloth.
· Innovative cooking on two levels. The slide-in grill enables simultaneous cooking food on two levels.
· With 9 automatic programs for various dishes and grill function. Ideal for gratinating and preparing food quickly.
Weight: 13.971 Kg
Dimensions: 41.5 × 49.5 × 28.8 Cm
Cable Length: 1000mm
Beep: 1
Cooking Chamber: Painted
Grill Output: Approx. 1.000 W
Microwave And Grill Can Be Controlled Separately Or Simultaneously: Yes
Capacity: Approx. 25 Liter
Power: 1000 Watt

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