Severin KM 3866
Product reference: 5-3866-000
Severin KM 3866

Severin KM 3866

Product reference: 5-3866-000
Severin KM 3866
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 Severin KM 3866 Wireless universal shredder
Up to 120 onions* in wireless operation with a full charge and up to 12 onions* with just one quick charge (15 minutes) thanks to a powerful Li-ion battery with 2,000 mAh
*depending on the size of the onion, based on recommended battery maintenance
BPA-free and dishwasher-safe 1L glass working container with closure lid ideal for direct storage of food in the refrigerator
Two performance levels for coarse and fine crushing
Extensive premium accessories:
– 4 blade knife inserts on two levels for particularly uniform results
Ideal for crushing herbs, onions, meat, cheese, almonds / nuts, crushed ice and much more.
– Emulsifying disc for the preparation of cream, egg whites, mousse and much more.
– innovative garlic peeling insert
– anti-slip ring for the work container
– charging power supply
Integrated safety mechanism
The device can only be put into operation in a completely assembled state.
Technical details
Weight: 1,766 kg
Dimensions: 15.5 × 15.5 × 23.5 cm
Mixing tank capacity: approx. 1,000 ml
Mixing container material: Glass
Power: 200Watt
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