Set of 3 PolarPro FX filters for DJI Mini 3 Pro
Product reference: 035679248358

Set of 3 PolarPro FX filters for DJI Mini 3 Pro

Product reference: 035679248358
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Set of 3 PolarPro FX filters for DJI Mini 3 Pro

PolarPro filters are specially designed for the DJI Mini 3 Pro. In the set you will find 3 pieces of the product: filter BlueMorphic, GoldMorphic and Mist 1/4. With their help you will capture exceptional bird's eye shots. The light weight is due to the aluminum frame, so you don't have to worry that the product will affect the flight quality of your drone. The lens is made of German CinemaSeries tempered glass, which has a low refractive index. The filters are placed in a protective case, so you can be sure that they will not be damaged.



  • x3 filter PolarPro FX for DJI Mini 3 Pro
  • protective case
Brand PolarPro
Name FX filters
Weight ~1.6 g
Dimensions 17.2 x 21.6 x 5.7 mm
Case weight 100 g
Case dimensions 75.1 x 56.9 x 16.4 mm
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