Set of 3 Filters Everyday Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro
Product reference: 057878

Set of 3 Filters Everyday Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Product reference: 057878
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Set of 3 Filters Everyday Freewell for DJI Mini 4 Pro

Capture the best shots with Freewell Everyday filters. The set is dedicated to DJI Mini 4 Pro and performs well under various lighting conditions while filming and taking photos. The UV filter enhances photo sharpness, while the Snow Mist 1/4 gently reduces contrast and creates a soft halo around bright points. Moreover, the LPR (Light Pollution Reduction) filter reduces the impact of yellow light from lamps and enhances the colors of the night sky. What's more, the lightweight construction does not affect the drone's flight, and the application of special coatings provides resistance to scratches, dust, and oily liquids, for the best image quality.


Included in the set

  • Filters (UV, Snow Mist 1/4, LPR)
  • Case
Manufacturer Freewell
Model FW-MN4-EDY
Compatible with DJI Mini 4 Pro
Coatings dustproof, scratch-resistant, oil-resistant
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