Saramonic transmitter with TX9 microphone for UwMic9 wireless audio system
Product reference: 6971008020243
Saramonic transmitter with TX9 microphone for UwMic9 wireless audio system SR0376

Saramonic transmitter with TX9 microphone for UwMic9 wireless audio system

Product reference: 6971008020243
Saramonic transmitter with TX9 microphone for UwMic9 wireless audio system SR0376
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Saramonic transmitter with TX9 microphone for UwMic9 wireless sound system

Microphone transmitter krawatowym Saramonic TX9 wireless audio transmission system UwMic9.
The UwMic9 system is characterized by versatility and reliability. The ability to transmit audio signals wirelessly between devices will be appreciated by a wide range of cameramen, reporters and vloggers. The system allows controlling devices in two groups, 96 transmission frequencies.
The transmitter has one standard mini jack (3.5 millimeter) for connecting a microphone or other audio source. The input has a safety lock to prevent accidental disconnection of the cord.
The body of the transmitter is made of high-quality aluminum. The easy-to-read LCD display and control buttons allow comfortable use of the device even when wearing gloves. Intuitive menus and synchronization functions make it easy to use and work with the system faster. The device is powered by two AA batteries.
The common element of the system is the Saramonic RX9 receiver (not included in the package), which allows simultaneous reception of audio tracks on two channels.
The kit and microphone on the outside is a clip for hanging the transmitter rod.

– number of transmission channels 96
- number of groups 2
- frequency: 514 MHz - 596 MHz
– signal to noise ratio (SNR) ratio 70 dB
- Powered by 2 AA batteries
– weight 260 g
– measurements: transmitter: 6.4 x 8.7 (+ antenna 10.5 cm) x 2.5 cm

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