Salter TE-150-EU Jumbo Display Ear Thermometer
Product reference: 5-TE-150-EU
Salter TE-150-EU Jumbo Display Ear Thermometer

Salter TE-150-EU Jumbo Display Ear Thermometer

Product reference: 5-TE-150-EU
Salter TE-150-EU Jumbo Display Ear Thermometer
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 You can now keep an accurate eye on your health with the Salter Jumbo Display Infrared Ear Thermometer. Intended to be used as the intermittent measurement of human body temperature for people of all ages in the home environment, this ear thermometer uses infrared technology to measure temperature in seconds by measuring the heat generated by the ear.
Measuring  34-43 °C 
Easy in-ear temperature reading – no probe cover required
Waterproof probe
Fever alarm
Reading after 1 seconde
10 memory recall
Quick, Compact & Portable
Simple one button measurement
Auto power-off
Large LCD display with backlight
°C/°F switchable
Low battery indicator
1 x CR2032 battery included
Dimensions 112.8 x 34.4 x 44.5mm

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