Salter EK4249COSVDEEU10 Cosmos Hand Mixer
Product reference: 5-EK4249COSVDEEU10
Salter EK4249COSVDEEU10 Cosmos Hand Mixer

Salter EK4249COSVDEEU10 Cosmos Hand Mixer

Product reference: 5-EK4249COSVDEEU10
Salter EK4249COSVDEEU10 Cosmos Hand Mixer
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Lightweight but powerful, this Salter Cosmos Hand Mixer is finished in a refined metallic colourway, with dough hooks and beaters.
Tailor the speed of the 300 W appliance to suit your recipe needs with a fantastic choice of five speed settings with turbo function.
The simple eject function and great size of 20 L x 10 W x 17.3 H cm allows you to effortlessly clean and store the mixer after use.
Ideal for a variety of delicious recipes and kitchen tasks, this electric whisk comes with two mixing beaters and two dough hooks.
Combining everyday practicality with a modern, elegant finish, the Cosmos collection is a stunning addition to any home.
Technical data
Width: 10.00 (cm)
Height: 17.30 (cm)
Depth: 20.00 (cm)
Colour: Grey
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