Salter 7612 BKXRAUP Dual Mechanical Mill
Product reference: 5-7612 BKXRAUP
Salter 7612 BKXRAUP Dual Mechanical Mill

Salter 7612 BKXRAUP Dual Mechanical Mill

Product reference: 5-7612 BKXRAUP
Salter 7612 BKXRAUP Dual Mechanical Mill
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 This Dual Salt and Pepper Mill from Salter boasts a compact design which is ideal for those with limited storage and living space.
Extremely easy to operate, the mechanical mill boasts a twist and grind mechanism so that you can effortlessly season your food.
Boasting a convenient 2 in 1 design, this dual grinder is operated by turning the mill clockwise for pepper and anticlockwise for salt.
This mill is adjustable, allowing users to pick from fine to coarse grinding, and offers a no-mess design with grinders on the top.
Wonderfully made, this salt and pepper mill features an ABS casing with a clear, acrylic spice chamber to show when it needs a refill.
Technical data
Width: 7.00 (cm)
Height: 17.00 (cm)
Depth: 7.00 (cm)
Colour: Transparent
Power: Manual
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