Salter 1160 BKDR High Capacity black
Product reference: 5-1160 BKDR
Salter 1160 BKDR High Capacity black

Salter 1160 BKDR High Capacity black

Product reference: 5-1160 BKDR
Salter 1160 BKDR High Capacity black
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 10kg High capacity weighing scale
Large ultra slim glass platform - hygienic and easy to clean
Aquatronic™ function for measuring liquids in ml or fl.oz.
Add & Weigh ‘zero’ function –allows for measurement of multiple ingredients in the same bowl
Weigh directly on the platform or weigh with own mixing bowl –suitable for use with most bowls or containers
Bright red easy to read LCD display
Switch between metric and imperial
Max weight x resolutions: 10kg x 2g, 22lb x 0.2oz, 10l x 2ml, 350fl.oz x 0.2fl.oz
Product dimensions: 20 x 16.5 x 2 cm
Batteries: 2 x AAA (Included)
Item Weight: 670 g

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