Salter 1024 SVDR14 Electronic Kitchen Scales with Dual Pour Mixing Bowl silver
Product reference: 5-1024 SVDR14
Salter 1024 SVDR14 Electronic Kitchen Scales with Dual Pour Mixing Bowl silver

Salter 1024 SVDR14 Electronic Kitchen Scales with Dual Pour Mixing Bowl silver

Product reference: 5-1024 SVDR14
Salter 1024 SVDR14 Electronic Kitchen Scales with Dual Pour Mixing Bowl silver
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 2 litre mixing bowl with innovative dual pour spouts - Great for pouring both wet and dry ingredients
Aquatronic™ function for measuring liquids in ml or fl.oz.
Add & Weigh - allows for measurement of multiple ingredients in the same bowl
Easy to read LCD display
Switch between metric and imperial
Max weight x resolutions: 5kg x 1g, 11lb x 1/8oz, 5l x 1ml, 175fl.oz x 1/8fl.oz
Batteries: 2 x AAA (Included)
Product dimensions: 20.95 x 22.3 x 13.15cm
Weight: 680 kg

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