Russell Hobbs RH022641EU7 Florence cutlery set 20pcs
Product reference: 5-RH02264EU7
Russell Hobbs RH022641EU7 Florence cutlery set 20pcs

Russell Hobbs RH022641EU7 Florence cutlery set 20pcs

Product reference: 5-RH02264EU7
Russell Hobbs RH022641EU7 Florence cutlery set 20pcs
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 Russell Hobbs RH02264EU7 Florence cutlery set 20pcs
Add a new collection of cutlery or replace your existing cutlery with this 20 piece Florence cutlery set from Russell Hobbs.
This cutlery fits perfectly with a variety of tableware designs and is made from high quality 18/0 stainless steel with long-lasting radiance.
This set consists of four forks, four knives, four dessert spoons, four dessert forks and four teaspoons and is perfect for dinner parties.
This lightweight and reliable cutlery set for four features a simple design and is essential for your dining table.
Material: stainless steel
Dimensions: 24 x 7 x 27.5 cm
Weight: 1 kg
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