Remington , Shea Soft Straightener Turbo Boost Function Plate Lock Swivel Cord , S4740 , Ceramic heating system , Display LED ,
Product reference: 4-S4740
Hair straightener Remington , Shea Soft Straightener Turbo Boost Function Plate Lock Swivel Cord , S4740 , Ceramic heating system , Display LED , Temperature (min) 150 °C , Temperature (max) 230 °C , Beige

Remington , Shea Soft Straightener Turbo Boost Function Plate Lock Swivel Cord , S4740 , Ceramic heating system , Display LED ,

Product reference: 4-S4740
Hair straightener Remington , Shea Soft Straightener Turbo Boost Function Plate Lock Swivel Cord , S4740 , Ceramic heating system , Display LED , Temperature (min) 150 °C , Temperature (max) 230 °C , Beige
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