Remax wall charger, RP-U35, 2x USB, 2.1A (white)
Product reference: 047768

Remax wall charger, RP-U35, 2x USB, 2.1A (white)

Product reference: 047768
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Remax wall charger, RP-U35, 2x USB, 2.1A (white)

Charge 2 devices simultaneously and don't waste any more time waiting! The Remax charger offers 2 USB ports with 2.1 amps of power. Fireproof PC is used for its construction, and additional safety features have been taken care of to protect your devices not only from overheating, but also from short circuit, short circuit, or overcharging.


Fast charging

There are 2 USB fast charging ports at your disposal. This makes the charger stand out for its wide compatibility and allows you to reduce charging time and save space in the power outlet.



Manufacturer Remax
Model RP-U35
Color White
Material PC Fire Resistant
Available ports USB x2
Output USB: 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A 
Certifications CE, FCC, ROHS, 3C
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