Radio frame 2 din Fiat 500 2016 -
Product reference: 753972526533

Radio frame 2 din Fiat 500 2016 -

Product reference: 753972526533
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2 DIN radio frame with a solid construction. We always offer our customers top-class equipment at favorable prices. A great example of this is the presented 2 DIN frame adapted to Fiat 500 vehicles, produced since 2016. Thanks to the precisely designed structure, it will serve for a long time and does not lose its color, even after repeatedly leaving the car in the sun. Ready-to-install 2 DIN radio frame for Fiat 500 vehicles. This model is shipped with an additional metal structure, which is responsible for stable support of the radio. After mounting the equipment, you will see that your multimedia equipment is maximally protected. Additionally, the frame masks all gaps. Black radio frameThe product is available in an extremely universal black color. It will fit perfectly into Fiat 500 cars. If you are planning to replace the radio with a non-factory one, the frame available in our offer should be of interest to you. Many car manufacturers produce their own radio players that are optically integrated with the center console. For this reason, an appropriate radio frame is needed. to replace a standard DIN radio or a double DIN radio. In addition, a dedicated radio connector, an antenna adapter, a steering wheel remote control adapter, a reversing camera adapter and an active adapter to run the factory amplifier are often required for the vehicle. A 2 DIN radio frame allows you to replace the factory radio with Universal. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio.Internal dimensions: 98 x 173 mmVersion: 2 DIN Color: black Car brand and model: Fiat 500 (ZAF 312) 07/2015 - 2022Note:vehicles with the Uconnect 5" OEM unit with large dials and buttonsvehicles without Uconnect 7" VP2R OEM HU with capacitive display*
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