Radio frame 2 din BMW E46 1998-2004
Product reference: 130649817299

Radio frame 2 din BMW E46 1998-2004

Product reference: 130649817299
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Radio frame 2 DIN BMW E46 1998-2004 Do you want to improve the standards of the audio system in your vehicle by replacing the factory radio with a new one? Are you looking for a radio frame for your BMW? Then is the right address. We present a mounting frame dedicated specifically to BMW car owners. Thanks to this product, you can easily install a new car radio and eliminate gaps between the device and the dashboard.  2 DIN radio frame - easy installation The design of the radio frame allows for easy and trouble-free installation in the car cockpit. In addition to its great functionality, it is also distinguished by its minimalist form, which will certainly visually enrich the car's dashboard. The presented radio frame has a size that is equivalent to 2 DIN, i.e. two units of a standard radio. It was manufactured by the recognized brand ACV. Type of car audio accessories: Radio frameVersion: 2 DIN Color: blackCar brand and model:  BMW 3er (E46) 03/1998 - 02/2005Limousine BMW 3er (E46) 04/1999 - 06/2006Coupé BMW 3er ( E46) 10/1999 - 06/2005Touring        BMW 3er (E46) 03/2000 - 02/2007Cabrio BMW 3er (E46) 06/2001 - 12/2004Compact       Additional parts required from BMW: Instrument panel, central switch: 51167001411Handle : 51168230903
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