Prime3 STB51
Product reference: 5-STB51
Prime3 STB51

Prime3 STB51

Product reference: 5-STB51
Prime3 STB51
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High max. power: 1800 W
Capacity of the glass jar: 1.75 l
High rotation speed up to 30 000 rpm
Dishwasher safe
Overheat protection
Full stainless steel housing
Specially designed 6-winged blades
Pusher for easier ice crushing and blending of harder ingredients
Easy cleaning with fully dismountable blades system
4 speed setting + pulse function
High quality BPA-free materials
Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
Dimensions: 19.7 x 17.4 x 41.1 cm
Weight: 4.2 kg
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