Power Supply, XILENCE, 750 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS BRONZE, PFC Active, XN087
Product reference: 2-4044953502972
Performance A III , XP750MR11, ATX 2.52, 750 Watts, 80 PLUS BRONZE, PFC Active, Colour Black

Power Supply, XILENCE, 750 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS BRONZE, PFC Active, XN087

Product reference: 2-4044953502972
Performance A III , XP750MR11, ATX 2.52, 750 Watts, 80 PLUS BRONZE, PFC Active, Colour Black
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The 80+BRONZE certified Performance A+ III series, using the high standard of DC/DC technology, supplies increased efficiency and maximum electrical stability even during excessive gaming. Because of its modular cable system (models with 550W and 650W only ) the power supplies offer a built-to-order usability. This individual use of the cables supports an optimized air flow for each computer case and improve heat dissipation. Six integrated safety circuits provide an all-time safe operation and the sleeved main cable harness ensures order in the PC case.
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