Power Supply, CHIEFTEC, 700 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS, PFC Active, GPE-700S
Product reference: 2-4710713234208
GPE-700S, ATX 2.3, 700 Watts, Cooling System 12cm fan, 80 PLUS, PFC Active, Colour Black

Power Supply, CHIEFTEC, 700 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS, PFC Active, GPE-700S

Product reference: 2-4710713234208
GPE-700S, ATX 2.3, 700 Watts, Cooling System 12cm fan, 80 PLUS, PFC Active, Colour Black
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The name ECO stands for maximum efficiency, ecological values and a new era of power supplies. Compatible with all current standards and certified by TÜV amongst many others and with a fixed voltage of 230V being the European standard, the ECO series is a reliable and efficient companion for modern IT structures which thereby also fulfills all ENERGY STAR 5.0 requirements as stipulated by the EU.
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