Power Supply, CHIEFTEC, 600 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS, PFC Active, APB-600B8
Product reference: 2-753263077813
ATX 2.3, 600 Watts, Cooling System 12cm fan, 80 PLUS, PFC Active

Power Supply, CHIEFTEC, 600 Watts, Efficiency 80 PLUS, PFC Active, APB-600B8

Product reference: 2-753263077813
ATX 2.3, 600 Watts, Cooling System 12cm fan, 80 PLUS, PFC Active
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The VALUE SERIES offers both quality and 80 PLUS® 230V EU efficiency at a highly competitive pricing. Equipped with a vast amount of required connectors, long native cables and a silent running fan with installed thermal board, the PSU runs quietly on full load and provides REAL POWER, thereby providing all security features. Certified by CE, CB, EAC, TÜV and amongst many others, it’s the VALUE choice!
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