Universal 4-button self-copying remote control amio-03143
Product reference: 14901

Universal 4-button self-copying remote control amio-03143

Product reference: 14901
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UNIVERSAL 4-CHANNEL SELF-TEACHING, SELF-COPYING REMOTE WITH A PERMANENT CODE 433.92 MHZ. WITH E S T A V E R: 4-channel universal remote control Color: black and red Handle for hanging key PRACTICAL AND COMFORTABLE This remote control is an ideal solution for people who have one working remote control and want to buy a second spare one. It has an elegant, durable housing with chrome inserts. The remote control copies the signal of remote controls (for gates, controllers, alarms, cars, light switches, roller shutter controllers, heating and air conditioning) with a fixed code at 433.92 MHz. Functions: copying codes, deleting codes and restoring codes. 4 built-in buttons to use. Very quick and easy to program. It has a special holder for hanging keys. UNIVERSAL APPLICATION The remote control copies the signal from most remote controls to a fixed code of 433.92 Mhz. Perfect for operating: gates, controllers, alarms, cars, light switches, roller shutter controllers, heating, air conditioning and others. Note: Before purchasing, check the manual of your device and make sure whether the remote control you want to copy has a fixed or variable code.
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