Petra PT2827BVDE 3in1 blender set
Product reference: 5-PT2827BVDE
Petra PT2827BVDE 3in1 blender set

Petra PT2827BVDE 3in1 blender set

Product reference: 5-PT2827BVDE
Petra PT2827BVDE 3in1 blender set
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 3-in-1 design: Stir, blend and chop food according to any recipe.
2 speeds: Choice of 2 speeds and 350W power for quick and easy food preparation.
BPA-free: Includes a BPA-free 500ml chopper bowl and a high-quality stainless steel blade.
Compact: Can be easily disassembled and supplied with a convenient unit for space-saving storage.
Stainless steel: Includes whisk and attachments for mixing for perfect consistency.
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