Pensofal Academy Chef Soft Titan Brush 1208
Product reference: 5-PEN 1208
Pensofal Academy Chef Soft Titan Brush 1208

Pensofal Academy Chef Soft Titan Brush 1208

Product reference: 5-PEN 1208
Pensofal Academy Chef Soft Titan Brush 1208
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 Heat-resistant flexible silicone brush (250 ° C) made with the highest quality stainless steel handle. It has an exclusive design, the manufacturer pays attention to all the details. Suitable for dish lubrication, baking mold lubrication. The tool is immune to acid attacks, does not absorb odors or food colors and is easy to clean. With a practical hook for easy hanging.
Dimensions: 29 x 4 cm
Weight: 0.08 kg
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