A true adventurer, whether in Golarion or any other world, needs a reliable bag to store their gear. And as a collector, player, or game master, you need to keep your most precious gear safe - your dice! This exclusive gaming prop is made of sturdy velour with a satin lining, providing comfort and security for your dice. It closes with durable polyester cords to keep them from wandering. The universally elegant black material with gold print exudes respectability and style, especially when the well-known 'Pathfinder' logo is displayed on the front.
Pathfinder Velour Dice Bag Black and Gold
Product reference:14-5907699497201
A true adventurer, whether in Golarion or any other world, needs a reliable bag to store their gear. And as a collector, player, or game master, you need to keep your most precious gear safe - your dice! This exclusive gaming prop is made of sturdy velour with a satin lining, providing comfort and security for your dice. It closes with durable polyester cords to keep them from wandering. The universally elegant black material with gold print exudes respectability and style, especially when the well-known 'Pathfinder' logo is displayed on the front.
Pathfinder Velour Dice Bag Black and Gold
Product reference:14-5907699497201
A true adventurer, whether in Golarion or any other world, needs a reliable bag to store their gear. And as a collector, player, or game master, you need to keep your most precious gear safe - your dice! This exclusive gaming prop is made of sturdy velour with a satin lining, providing comfort and security for your dice. It closes with durable polyester cords to keep them from wandering. The universally elegant black material with gold print exudes respectability and style, especially when the well-known 'Pathfinder' logo is displayed on the front.
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A true adventurer, whether in Golarion or any other world, needs a reliable bag to store their gear. And as a collector, player, or game master, you need to keep your most precious gear safe - your dice! This exclusive gaming prop is made of sturdy velour with a satin lining, providing comfort and security for your dice. It closes with durable polyester cords to keep them from wandering. The universally elegant black material with gold print exudes respectability and style, especially when the well-known 'Pathfinder' logo is displayed on the front.
Diameter: xa012.3 x 16.5 cm. (approx.).
Material: velour.
Main color: black.
Secondary color: gold
Weight: 27g (approx.).
Made in Poland.
100% original Q-Workshop product.
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