Panasonic LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F2.8 O.I.S. (S-E70200)
Product reference: 5025232910793
Panasonic LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F2.8 O.I.S. (S-E70200) 5025232910793 S-E70200E 885170372504 S-E70200

Panasonic LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F2.8 O.I.S. (S-E70200)

Product reference: 5025232910793
Panasonic LUMIX S PRO 70-200mm F2.8 O.I.S. (S-E70200) 5025232910793 S-E70200E 885170372504 S-E70200
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With this flawlessly working camera, you'll capture great and clear 4K videos. In addition, the quiet operation of the lens enables better audio recording.


22 elements in 17 groups:
– 1 aspherical lens
– 2 Ultra Low Distortion Lenses
– 3 low distortion lenses

Aspheric (ASPH) lens reduces size and weight, effectively suppresses spherical aberration and distortion.

Low Distortion (ED) and Ultra Low Distortion (UED) lenses correct chromatic aberration for sharp, high-contrast images with vibrant colors across their entire width.


MTF chart

For lenses that can compensate for distortion, the MTF horizontal axis indicates the distance from the center of the corrected image.

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