Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO (Black)
Product reference: 4545350051785
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO (Black) V311090BW000 4545350051785 V311090BU000 050332191884

Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO (Black)

Product reference: 4545350051785
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO (Black) V311090BW000 4545350051785 V311090BU000 050332191884
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Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 45mm F1.2 PRO (Black)

  • Beautiful Feathery Bokeh
  • Extremely accurate and fast autofocus
  • Compact, light, durable

Capture true beauty

M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm 1:1.2 PRO (90mm *) is a stunning portrait lens for professionals. Thanks to the extremely wide aperture, you have the ideal tool for realizing a creative perspective. Add more depth and softness to your portraits with feathery bokeh. Or shoot emotional close-ups with a shallow depth of field, focusing from as little as 50cm. The entire design of this lens gives you maximum usability and Pro-level functionality.

All M.Zuiko lenses are fully compatible with all Olympus PEN, OM-D and other Micro Four Thirds cameras.

*35mm equivalent

Main features

Awesome depth and sharpness

Carefully designed specialty lenses ensure your portraits stand out with impressive sharpness and detail, even at the maximum aperture setting. The M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm F1.2 PRO lens allows you to add depth and softness to your photos with stunning Feathery Bokeh and dramatically narrow depth of field.

Fast Focus Power

Capture the shot when you want it with the M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm F1.2 PRO lens, which has an internal focusing system that ensures fast and accurate autofocus in just 0.2 seconds* The integrated "Movie & Still Compatible" (MSC) mechanism makes it even faster fast focusing.

Maximum mobility

M.Zuiko Digital ED 45mm F1.2 PRO lens with a complex, yet uncompromisingly light and compact construction weighs only 410g, so shooting anywhere in the world becomes a pleasure. And it doesn't matter what the weather is - the lens is resistant to dust, splashes and cold.

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