Nillkin Super Frosted Shield case for Xiaomi 11 Lite 4G/ 5G (black)
Product reference: 046523

Nillkin Super Frosted Shield case for Xiaomi 11 Lite 4G/ 5G (black)

Product reference: 046523
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Nillkin Super Frosted Shield case for Xiaomi 11 Lite 4G/5G (black).

Want to protect your phone? Opt for the Nillkin protective case! It was created with durable and long-lasting materials, and what's more, it will lie securely in your hand due to its anti-slip property. Bet on functionality and total protection with Nillkin!


Excellent quality

Nillkin case was created with attention to every detail. It was made of high-quality polycarbonate, so it guarantees durability and reliability. What's more, it will lie securely in your hand, as its texture is rough and has anti-slip properties.


Guaranteed safety

With the Super Frosted Shield case, you no longer have to worry about your Xiaomi. The edges of the case are protruding, ensuring that your phone's screen is protected when you place it on a flat surface. In addition, this accessory is extremely durable and shows abrasion and scratch resistance.


Comfort of use

You don't have to worry about interference with your device. The case has precise cutouts for the camera, ports and button covers, which ensures full access to the interfaces. Moreover, it won't add too much bulk to your smartphone, as it is slim and lightweight.

Producer Nillkin
Model Super Frosted Shield
Material Polycarbonate
Compatibility Xiaomi 11 Lite 4G/5G
Color Black
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