NIKON EN-EL15B Battery ,2250mAh
Product reference: 9990000970315-1

NIKON EN-EL15B Battery ,2250mAh

Product reference: 9990000970315-1
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Replacement Battery Nikon EN-EL15B, 2250mAh.

No "memory effect".
Low self-discharge rate.
Longest battery life.

Compatible camera models:
Nikon 1 V1.
Nikon D600.
Nikon D610.
Nikon D750.
Nikon D800.
Nikon D800E.
Nikon D810.
Nikon D810A.
Nikon D850.
Nikon D7000.
Nikon D7100.
Nikon D7200.
Nikon D7500.
Nikon Z6.
Nikon Z7.

Compatible part numbers:

Notes: the list of compatible models may not be complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Capacity: 2250mAh.
Voltage: 7.0V.
Power: 15.8Wh
Element type: Li-ion.

Important information! Waste batteries and accumulators must be discard to special containers marked with a battery and/or accumulator collection mark.

Warranty: 12 months.
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