Niimbot 12x24 Thermal Stickers, 230 pcs. (Transparent)
Product reference: 052178

Niimbot 12x24 Thermal Stickers, 230 pcs. (Transparent)

Product reference: 052178
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Niimbot 12x24 Thermal Stickers, 230 pcs. (Transparent)

Stickers designed for the Niimbot H1S thermal printer. Refined from every angle, they will allow you to express your creativity while organizing the space around you. Thanks to their high durability and exceptional resistance to moisture, oils and scratches, you can use them without fear to label anything that falls into your hands - from jars of preserves to your children's notebooks. There are 230 pieces in a roll.


Eco and safe for everyone

The Niimbot thermal paper used for these stickers is not only environmentally friendly, but also safe to use. Whether it's labeling food products or organizing your workspace, you'll always be sure that you're using a product that is not only efficient, but also safe and responsible. As a result, your space will not only be tidy, but also healthy and environmentally friendly.

Manufacturer. Niimbot
Model TT12*24-230
Color White
Paper type Interrupted 12x24 mm
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