Network Cable UTP CAT6 Vention IBEHI RJ45 Ethernet 1000Mbps 3m Gray
Product reference: 056609

Network Cable UTP CAT6 Vention IBEHI RJ45 Ethernet 1000Mbps 3m Gray

Product reference: 056609
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UTP cat.6 network cable Vention IBEHI 3 m (grey)

The cable will find its use at home, work, hotel, etc. It provides a fast and stable Internet connection of 1000 Mbps without interference, so you can freely play games without delays, watch movies or work. In addition, the use of copper and gold-plated connectors affects the efficiency of the product, and the PVC finish provides protection against wear, splashing and stretching.

Manufacturer Vention
Color grey
Length 3 m
Interface RJ45 to RJ45
Transmission speed 1000 Mbps
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