Network cable cat.8 Baseus Ethernet RJ45, 40Gbps, 3m (black)
Product reference: 054562

Network cable cat.8 Baseus Ethernet RJ45, 40Gbps, 3m (black)

Product reference: 054562
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Baseus Ethernet RJ45 Cat. 8 network cable, 40Gbps, 3m (black)

With the Baseus cable, you can instantly transfer files at a speed of max. 40Gbps. What's more, the reinforced cable and the use of pure copper ensure stable signal transmission without interference. In turn, the PVC finish is responsible for resistance to bending and translates into a longer product life. You will successfully connect the cable to your router, switch, modem or TV.


Fast signal transmission

The Baseus cable provides lightning fast network speeds of up to 40 Gbps at 2000 MHz. This means you can work, play games or watch movies without worrying about stuttering. In addition, the use of pure 26 AWG copper, aluminum alloy and gold-plated connectors eliminates electromagnetic field interference.

Manufacturer Baseus
Manufacturer code B0013320A111-04
Color black
Length 3 m
Transmission speed max. 40 Gbps
Bandwidth 2000 MHz
Compatibility Windows, iOS, Linux
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