Memory card SanDisk Extreme Pro microSDHC 32GB 100/ 90 MB/ s A1 C10 V30 (SDSQXCG-032G-GN6MA)
Product reference: 015407797161

Memory card SanDisk Extreme Pro microSDHC 32GB 100/ 90 MB/ s A1 C10 V30 (SDSQXCG-032G-GN6MA)

Product reference: 015407797161
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12-/24 month

Delivery in 
8 - 16
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The SanDisk Extreme card, thanks to modern technology and the highest quality of workmanship, ensures the security of the data collected on it. It was built to be used in the harshest conditions, that is why the card is waterproof, shock resistant, resistant to X-rays and temperature. It is dedicated to drones and GoPro cameras.

Reading speed do 100 MB/s
Write speed do 90 MB/s
Image capture capability Yes (4K UHD i Full HD)
Class A1 / UHS 1 (U3) / 10
Adapter SD In set
Capacity 32GB
Speed class V30
Dedicated to Drons / GoPro
Product code SDSQXCG-032G-GN6MA
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